A Bet With A Wife Worth Of 500$ Casino Comeback! Two Real Winner Stories From Riverboat And Vegas Casino Players.

"I made my wife a bet that I would come back with $500." story by Byron G.
I decided to go Vegas for 3 days with my boss and two buddies. I made my wife a bet that I would come back with $500. She said if I did she would give me $500 and if I lost I had to do the housework for a week. I only took $700.
My buddies and I played the blackjack tables and were losing almost everything. My one buddy was pretty smart and he said let's play roulette. We wait till it hits red or black 7 or 8 times and then we bet a $100 a shot. We did this and started winning. I was $500 ahead so put down my $100 and lost. My buddy said put down $200 and you will win $100 plus your lost bet. I did and lost again. Red had hit 12 times in a row so my buddy game me $200 and I bet $400 and lost again. I was depressed so my friends all chipped in and loaned me $600 to bet. Finally black hit.
As we were getting ready to leave for the airport I counted up my money and I only had $480 so I ran to the Blackjack table and tried to win $20. My friends left without me and our flight was due to leave in 30 minutes. I finally won and had $504 dollars. I ran to the Taxi and he said the fare was $9. I told him my story and that I only had $4. He laughed and said OK. He raced me to the airport and I barely caught the plane but I won at the Casino and the bet when I got home.
"My unlucky 13 bucks made $10,000 for me" - winner story by Carol P.
Several years ago me and my family went on an outing to the Riverboat Casino. It was my son (who was only 19), my sister
and a close friend. It was New Years Day. I was the designated driver so I didn't have a whole lot of money to spend and
I just went on the trip because I was the driver and had the wheels. Anyhow, everyone went off their merry way. I decided
to play this game called Jackpot Junction. It had a 3 reel payline on it and I might have played it until I lost almost all
my little money. I had $13 bucks left and I said to myself then, that I was not going to leave this boat broke. So I stopped
playing and stood around waiting for family and friends to finish gambling. While I was waiting, here comes my son.
"How much money do you have?" I said $13 and he said let me borrow it and I will give it back when we get home.
I gave him the money and he started to play the same game I was playing betting 1 corn at a time.
Before the $13 was all gone, he hit $80 no 1 payline. He gave me back my $13 and he had $67. I remember telling him you should keep on playing Jackpot Junction. He said no and went to another slot. So I sat back down at this same machine and said what the hell and started betting the 3 pay lines.. Mind you, I only had $13 and I said to myself, I guess I will go home broke. And on my last $3 bucks, I hit 3 Jackpot Junction symbols and I didn't even get excited because I thought it was only $2,000 and I said to myself good because I had owed my son some money. Then the casino host came over to my flashing machine and told me to look at the paylines and look where my bonuses fell!! I started jumping and got so excited!!! It was $10,000... I could not believe my eyes. So my unlucky $13 bucks made $10,000 for me. And I had a bucket full of coins. I gave my family a tip..my son... everybody.. I was so excited. The only problem was, I could not collect my money because I did not have a current drivers license or state ID. I had to wait until the next day to get my money!!! This is one moment I will never forget. My next win was for $5,000 but that is a whole new story.
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